Thursday, March 17, 2011

Spring Equinox brings on see thru fabrics with tattoos

Hooray the Spring Equinox is fast approaching and the colors, patterns, and tattoos are
now being shown in the media, on the runways and in the stores. We are now having an end of the winter sale here in the vintage mirage store for all winter weight coats, suits, and jackets
at 15 % off. We are working to make room in our store for the wonderful assortment of vintage Spring clothing and accessories.
Here is an idea about how to make a vintage modern mix using your favorite dress and add a lacey look from our store.

There are some lovely lingerie pieces which are gloriously lacey, see through, and one of a kind in so many colors and designs. So you could try mixing a luxurious lacey slip over a sports bra and cotton blouse or cotton dress and then add a belt.

We also currently have some pastel jackets and soft jackets too.
Come visit our store. Soon we will offer shopping possibilities on line. Stay tuned.
Elinor Coleman's Vintage Mirage.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Here at Vintage Mirage we offer downsizing/liquidating consultations for individuals, and families with large and small collections. We offer the information about the various aspects of recycle and reuse. The various avenues of liquidation have many names such as donations, ebay, auctions; in previous eras we would call it hand me downs or flea markets or the rag man, or the scrap collectors.

Sometimes the collections need to be sold for financial reasons and other times the goal is also to ensure the preservation of a legacy of history along with the fine hand crafted techniques.

Basically our suggestions offer options of finding new homes for loved items, often with historical significance. So often in the past people have donated their collections to museums and educational institutions thinking that these objects might be used for research, and would have a home for future generations and assured preservation.

Now in the last few years,and this Spring in New York City, more major museums and educational institutions are auctioning off their inherited and donated collections in order to raise the funds for their institutions. These vintage clothes, accessories, fabrics, textiles, and rugs will be auctioned off from a large selection of museums in a single event. The major cost of preservation in labor and space pressures these institutions to sell off categories they do not hold to be important, nor valuable.

I am appalled at the idea that families and individuals donated items to these institutions for safe keeping, and now the museums have changed their course and mission, so they will sell these items. Here is another example of reading the fine print in a contract. Perhaps these institutions should offer the originating family to have these treasures returned? Or perhaps

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Elinor's take on the 2011 Fashion shows and forecasts

Here is the first formal installment of Elinor's thoughts about the world of fashion forward.
It is March 2011, and I have been researching the European and Asian fashion spreads to view the various forecasts for summer and fall.

I am quite disappointed to have to report that the US media has edited out most of the supra colorful palettes and mulit- patterned offerings.

What mundane edit jobs for us women to view.
Design houses have differing merchandize in their showrooms. Stores and boutiques purposefully order and stock unique pieces, rightly so, which reflect the climate and range of their customer preferences.

So how can I shop and find the supra colorful patterned looks I come across? And how would I know that Fall will be filled with all types of neons and crystals and zippers?!

Perhaps this is why so often, European trends take one to two years to cross over the pond.

That is unless we buy or subscribe to all of the various fashion magazines and runway forecast magazines for each season. Or perhaps we need to travel all over the world and watch the trends of fashion by noticing people dressed downtown on the street and at the parties and videos of performers.

Such narrow reporting and trend aesthetics led me to transfer my interest into vintage at an early stage of life.

So dear reader, I look forward to blogging to you in the future.